Biodiversity and Species at Risk
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute Raw Species and Habitat Data (Search by Land Use Framework Region -North Saskatchewan Region) (Website)
The Status of Land Birds in Alberta's Boreal Plains Ecozone (Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute-ABMI)
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute Biodiversity Browser
Olive-sided Flycatcher [Contopus cooperi] Distribution & Habitat Associations in Alberta (ABMI)
Boreal Chickadee [Poecile hudsonicus] Distribution & Habitat Associations in Alberta (ABMI)
Fish and Wildlife Internet Mapping Tool (GOA)
Species at Risk in the region
Bull Trout (provincial)
Bull Trout Conservation Management Plan 2012-2017 (ESRD)
Status of Bull Trout (Slavelinus conlfuentus) in Alberta: Update 2009
Historic and current adult density Fish Sustainbility (FSI) rankings for bull trout (Map - 2014)
Lake Sturgeon
Status of Lake Sturgeon in Alberta
Alberta Lake Sturgeon Recovery Plan 2011-2016
COSEWIC recommended federal listing as endangered in 2006
Historic and current adult density Fish Sustainbility (FSI) rankings for lake sturgeon (Map - 2014)
Grizzly Bear (provincial)
Alberta Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan 2008-2013
Status of Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) in Alberta: Update 2010
Canada Warbler
Federal recovery strategy draft under review
Common Nighthawk
Federal recovery strategy draft under review
Peregrine Falcon
Status of Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum) in Alberta (1997)
Alberta Peregrine Falcon Recovery Plan 2004-2010
Piping Plover
Recovery Strategy for the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus melodus) in Canada – 2012 (federal)
Alberta Pipling Plover Recovery Plan 2010-2020
Northern Leopard Frog
Status of the Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) in Alberta: Update 2003
Alberta Northern Leopard Frog Recovery Plan 2010-2015
Mountain Woodland Caribou
Status of the Woodland Caribou in Alberta-Update 2010
Alberta Woodland Caribou Recovery Plan 2004/05-2013/14
Whitebark Pine
Status of Whitebark Pine in Alberta (2007)
Alberta Whitebark Pine Recovery Plan 2013-2018
Limber Pine
Status of Limber Pine in Alberta (2007)
Alberta Limber Pine Recovery Plan 2014-2019
Extirpated species previously found in the region
Whooping Crane (see Status of the Whooping Crane (Grus americana) in Alberta)
Feruginous Hawk